For businesses looking to grow, the term "big data'' has emerged to describe the sheer volume of data available to us, which is often too large and complex to be analyzed through traditional approaches and platforms.
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Amazon announced in June of 2018 its plans to enter the pharmaceutical digital space. Given Amazon’s unparalleled history of disruption, pharma companies should be taking note of this digital health news.
The digital transformation of the healthcare system means that not only do healthcare providers need to have a roadmap for incorporating current and future online systems, but they also need to know where to focus attention and investment.
Most likely your company has a style guide. Even if it’s not updated regularly or adhered to religiously, there is probably a set of standards for the writing and designing of documents in the hopes of establishing consistency.
How the Object Edge design team leverages Sketch to digital transform brands. With advanced tools that streamline the design process, Sketch is an innovative tool that allows for great design, increased productivity, and collaboration.
For B2B and B2C businesses, eCommerce platforms leveraging the cloud provide new opportunities. For IT professionals, it is not just a technical change, it is a mindset change. Learn how your business can prepare for an upgrade.
In today’s ever-disruptive markets, there is one thing that is guaranteed - change. The ability to adapt and evolve is critical for staying competitive and viable, but as we know, change is scary. Read more about how to prepare for change.
The average consumer visits two or more touchpoints when considering and purchasing a product. Almost three-quarters of shoppers visit both online and offline stores, making multi channel strategies more critical than ever before.
Simply put: culture is everything. Culture is the key to digital transformation. Good change management strategies recognize the importance of culture, and just how critical it is to have the right people.
It’s safe to say that if you’re reading this post, you’re probably a fan of Agile practices. Recently, I began thinking about what the scrum master role fully encompasses, and how it applies beyond just professional contexts.
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